About Me

Felixstowe, Suffolk, United Kingdom
This is my blog site for all my projects and work from my Media Production Course at Suffolk New College. I will be constantly updating this space with videos, music and photography for anyone to look at/ try to enjoy. Along with research and evaluations for tutors at my college. Please comment if you enjoy any particular piece.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Developing The Advert - Group Idea

Developing the Group Idea:

After hearing about ideas from all our groups members we could see a pattern arising, where it is mainly aimed at a male audience and are exciting and full of action which would apply to the male crave for action and competition. Or they were humorous and memorable with a desirable out come as a direct result of buying the product. Men tend to want to be better and be part of the 'greed' technique. So if we say that you will get this product plus a benefit which we outline they are far more likely to want the product.

Our target audience of 14-18 year old males is outlined on one of my other posts. They like to be with friends, they are competitive and like to be part of the crowd. So we decided to use all three of these elements in our piece. It will show a number of men comparing the last time they 'got some'. This shows a large number of men getting the product, promoting the bandwagon technique and comparing their last time makes it competitive, also using sexual innuendo and enigma, not revealing it isn't sex until the end will be humorous too.


Our idea was to use the phrase ‘get some’ which can used in reference to sex and right at the end show that the actors were talking about the drink.,‘Gren-ade’. We decided to simply make it a very male dominated advert too, showing obviously who the drink is aimed at and inspire a ‘bandwagon’ that they may wish to be a part of.

There will be a number of fast flowing vox-pops which we feel will make it seem realistic and make the actors seem like genuine people. This will hopefully make the product much more desirable as it may not be obvious that people are being told what to say. All of them will be saying the last time they ‘got some’ which will originally seem like they are discussing sex. The first vox-pop will repeat the end of the question to give the answers a subject. But by missing it out in the first place we save time and make it very quick to start and get the narrative started.

For example the first person ‘interviewed’ will say “The last time I got some was 3 weeks ago” and the the next will say “This morning” or “yesterday at dinner”. We are planning to moving onto funnier ones later on which when applied to sex are funny but when applied to drink seem quite normal. For example ‘I my mate let me finish his off once’.

Then it the near to the end we will see an actor standing alone with the shot on above his waist making ‘pleasured faces’ by smiling, eyes closed, biting his lips and moaning. Then he will look down and say ‘I’m getting some, right now’ then he will lift up the can and drink it. Also unexpectedly the it may produce an ESP that this drink is as important and good as sex. Which with guys I feel would be a large attraction.

After this shot a title will shoot up with the name and then a crowd of people screaming ‘GET SOME’ which would be very forceful and inviting, adding more to the bandwagon technique.