About Me

Felixstowe, Suffolk, United Kingdom
This is my blog site for all my projects and work from my Media Production Course at Suffolk New College. I will be constantly updating this space with videos, music and photography for anyone to look at/ try to enjoy. Along with research and evaluations for tutors at my college. Please comment if you enjoy any particular piece.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Developing My Advert Campaign

My overall intentions for this TV advert are to

1- Imprint the image and name of my created drink into the minds of the viewers.
2- Make it appeal to my target audience of 14-18 year old boys, pulling ideas from my prior research.
3- Create a fun and original advert which emphasises my drinks design and gives it an emotional and memorable link which if it was really being released would cause people to buy it.


 I hope you can read my writing in this poor photograph. It outlines an average 14-18 year old boy, from my own personal experiences and what I have learnt from my primary research. I need to try and create an advert which applys to all of these and will interest them the most.


Sorry about the sharpness but I had to use a computer 'sketchbook program which I am not highly skilled in' (yet). But this is the basic idea of the logo, just imagine it more shiny.

I have chosen the name BEAT, because it a common word used in terms of music and also to 'BEAT' is to win and with my young target audience music is a big part of there lives and dominates alot of social places, websites and activities they do and beat is constantly related to songs and energy. Plus on the male side there is alot of competition for everything so to win is to be the 'Alpha'.

'Let's Hit the Beat' is the slogan I've decided on for a number of reasons. There's wordplay in that 'hitting' and 'beating' can be the same thing and 'hitting the beat' is a phrase which means 'let's dance' or 'let's play' which are both energetic and fun activitys which the target audience want to be involved in. Then theres the word 'Let's' which signifies that this is a group thing and can apply to the 'BandWagon' technique of making people think they can join a group of people doing it and they can join with their friends.

I've chosen the three colours, blue, silver and red for the logo. Firstly because these colours go well together and don't clash and secondly because they are all very strong bright colours appealing to the male stereotype of strong and powerful. Thirdly they are all colours mainly associated to guys aswell. I was going to use gold instead of silver but I thought that they didn't suit aswell with the colours and I also think gold that could be associated to 'jewellery' which is more of a female aspiration.

These images were drawn and taken photos of and that is why they are not fantastic quality.

This is the design on the can, with similiar colours to the logo, (though there will be black writing on silver for smaller text so it is clearer). I think this will work well, being bright and eye grabbing, plus giving more room for the slogans and interesting images than boring text that my audience are less interested in.


The advert condensed into a sentence would be

A group of Teenagers are bored and unhappy, they find a new drink called 'BEAT' and suddenly they're all together dancing and head out for the night together.

How I see the advert is some extremely still shots of the teenagers, mostly males,  in the middle of the day, alone in their houses. Their is no music except the wildtrack of thier homes. The first is banging his head against the wall, the second is falling asleep at his computer, the third is filing her nails and the fourth is rotating his feet. I feel this opening will firstly make it relatable as everyone has been in this state of boredom before and also should make it quite humourous with how sad and pathetic they look in the situation.

Next there is a drum kick, which causes a sort of shock to each of them and we see person four jolt his view offscreen. Here we see a shot of the fridge, seeming quite small and insignificant. Person 4 returns to his feet when the same noise kicks in. This time it cuts to person 1, who begins to walk over to is fridge, cautiously and all of the others in various shots do the same jolting upright whenever they hear the sound which keeps becoming more and more frequent. Until it is a steady 60 bpm. This part is to build up a tension while continuing the fun and humourous mood as they are scared of something, which seems to be the fridge. The shots will cut between each of them with each beat.

As they reach there fridge, number 2 grabs the door and pulls it open a crack. The sound stops and the camera peeks in from his first person view to see a can of beat sitting alone inside. Number three looks confused and reaches in to grab the can. This causes a sort of anti-climax and builds more confusion and tension.

Then we cut to 4 drinking the beverage and as soon he swallows an upbeat electronic song starts and he looks confused as his body starts dancing. The screen cuts into 4 sections where each of them are dancing in there kitchen. Then it cuts back to just 4 staring at the can completely still he then drinks more, spins around to see the other 3 standing in the same room. Then they all start dancing again and leave through the front door. I think this ending will, with the dancing continue the humour but also with regards to the target audience will show friends dancing together and use an 'emotional selling point' of fun and energy which will imprint into the viewer.

Overall it shows 4 teens alone and ends with them dancing together and heading out which is what teenagers desire, to be with their friends having fun.
The characters I would use would be very trendy and attractive with alot of new gadgets in their homes, which would make use of the 'snob appeal' technique mentioned in another post where viewers believe if they drink this drink they could be like them.

The camera shots and editing will start of as quite slow to begin with (not for too long as people may get bored) and slowly get faster as the music and advert progress. With the dancing the editing will be much quicker and the camera will move with there grooves.


TV Advert - Research

This project which will span a number of posts. Overall we will be planning and producing a TV Advert for a new fizzy drink we create targeted at 14-18 year olds and the first part of the process is researching existing campaigns, their images, photographs, adverts, logos and places they appear.

I will start with the highest valued company in the world, coca-cola who produce drinks such as Coke, Dr Pepper and 3,500 other brands.

As with all of them I will select a few different styles of advertising and analyse them.
This is the logo from Coca-Cola's drink FANTA.
Judging by the logo and other adverts this drink is aimed at a younger audience, maybe 12-24 year olds. Just from this logo, it seems to be aimed at the younger generation because of it's extremly bright colour, simplistic shape and clear writing. Also it's shape, colour and small leaf like shape above the name makes it similar to an orange, which may appeal to a more health concious part of the population and offer a more healthy alternative to other fizzy drinks. Plus with other drinks on the market for sports based energy this may make people form a link between the two. So they may seem that by drinking this they can enjoy it without feeling guilty even though that may not be the truth. The typeface is very modern and have a similarity to graffiti which is seen as very trendy with alot of young people.

This advert is for the drink Diet Coke, coke without sugar, very popular with women and people watching their weight or sugar intake. Therefore alot of the adverts involve women looking their best, always having fun and empowering to women. For example you can see in this advert a group of attractive women in a very empowering pose. Then them being together in a fighting formation all together in one colour makes them seem like a force to be reckoned with. This is very female empowering image, and then women viewing the piece will make the connection between diet coke and power hopefully making them want to be part of this powerful crowd. 

The perception and domination of the photograph in the advert gives attention straight to the women so to grab their audience straight away. On top of that the text is in relation to fashion using the phrases 'good taste' and 'statement' which is a big sway and interest of many women. This poster applies to many of the advertising techniques,  the main two are Snob Appeal because all of these women are very attractive and seem very upper class and as many people desire to be the same they feel buying Diet Coke may include them. The other is the 'glittering generalities' which is where the text comes from, using words and names which appeal to the audience and make it seem glamourous and life changing.

This coca-cola advert is defiently aimed at the younger generation, perhaps 14-25, and judging by the layout and colours this is more aimed at females with the pink artwork, the heart shape and the background which suggest the sky, grass and the beach.  Other groups this appeals to is people interested in live music because of all the instruments, the headphones and the dancing figures. In the image all of this is spilling out of the bottle of coke, therefore a quick declaration is that drinking coke can bring you the fun activites it represents,

The text imprints that idea that the coke 'life' is full of fun and love, which is something lots of people desire. The techniques this one uses are many again but the two most effective, will be the emotional selling points with the use of the happiness and love emotions and the 'glittering generalities' I described earlier.

Other than Coca-Cola there are other smaller companies who have there own successful programs.

Pepsi Max Advert
This Pepsi Max advert, shows a group of friends getting another out of a boring situation into one he wants to be in which is out with mates. This causes this drink to mainly be directed towards males, perhaps young adults to 16-30 who have been in these situations and enjoy having a laugh with their friends. Women do to, however I feel the humourous situation they are in more applys to men, and pranking which is definetly more popular with the male sex. I think bandwagon is a big technique used here, as alot men are mischeavious and enjoy the idea of jokes and trickery, almost like their inner child wants to be set free, just like the advert and the 'emotional selling point' of this advert is fun.


This the logo for Relentless, the energy drink quite recently released in the UK. My first impressions from this logo are that it's aimed at a teenage to young adult group of people. Other groups I think that may be targeted are people into sport and energetic experience. Thats what I would gather from the word 'Relentless' itself, plus the graffiti like artwork around the text and the font itself, seems very modern and exciting which may appeal even more to a younger energetic audience. The colour varies between each flavour of relentless there is but they are all very strong and deep colours which suggests power and would again appeal to this audiences.

This website is the 'Red Bull' Official Uk website, filled with content, news and videos from all of their endorsed and sponsorships. For example their name appears across many different Extreme and high octane Sports such as 'Superbikes', Parkour, Cliff Diving and many others.

This is a clever way on promoting their drink because this is a website that would appeal very well to their young and sporty target audience (not that this is their only target audience) as this website features some breathtaking images, news reports, music and links to upcoming events they are hosting. So this will keep bringing people back and create may create an emotional link (selling point) between extreme sports, music and the drink red bull which is a very effective link. Plus using as the famous faces they sponsor may cause viewers to jump on the 'bandwagon' and drink red bull in an attempt to be like them.

In the 'products' section they use the 'card stacking' technique as Red Bull is loaded with some ingredients not very beneficial to health however they focus on the good 'short term' effects of the drink, especially effective when they use scientific papers as sources for evidence. Constantly throughout this website you are being reminded that 'Red Bull' endorses this and so causes a link between success and the fizzy drink, which is a clever technique this website uses.

This is a banner produced to advertise the drink Tango. I also think this is aimed at the younger generation for a variety of reasons. Firstly is the element of danger put across by the orange and black, a usual association with hazards. A sweeping generalisation is that younger people crave danger and excitement, usually males, so this would be a first 'emotional link' made between the drink and fun. Secondly is the text in the banners saying 'caution' which backs up the first point, that this is an dangerous drink which younger people would think is rebellious, maybe because parents and teachers would stop them doing anything like that. 

The phrase 'will the extra get ya?' suggests two things, that perhaps this is better value because of the word 'extra' tricking people into thinking it's worth more than normal drinks which is using the 'bribery technique' and also it sounds like a challenge. People may see this and feel like they need to try the drink to prove they can overcome the 'extra'. Plus this rhyme of 'extra and get ya' is easy to remember and may stick with them after they have seen it. 

Lastly in the younger generations, perhaps between 16 and 24, taking drugs and experimenting with them is in large circulation in their peers. Plus a lot of the 'cool' famous people who they look up to take them or sing about them in a positive way and the word 'side effects' suggests the use of medication or drugs. This may appeal to them as a alternative, seeming to come across as a drug, with that phrase and all the of the 'danger' colours and writing, but which also being legal, cheaper and less dangerous than the ones they have heard about or seen. This is almost using the 'magic ingredients' technique offering something other drinks don't have. Very well suited to a young audience who long to look the coolest and stand out from their peers.

In conclusion, you can see that most of these adverts I have chosen are mainly aimed at the younger generation, appealing to their interests and targeting them in the areas they visit and want to see most.