About Me

Felixstowe, Suffolk, United Kingdom
This is my blog site for all my projects and work from my Media Production Course at Suffolk New College. I will be constantly updating this space with videos, music and photography for anyone to look at/ try to enjoy. Along with research and evaluations for tutors at my college. Please comment if you enjoy any particular piece.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Developing My Advert Campaign

My overall intentions for this TV advert are to

1- Imprint the image and name of my created drink into the minds of the viewers.
2- Make it appeal to my target audience of 14-18 year old boys, pulling ideas from my prior research.
3- Create a fun and original advert which emphasises my drinks design and gives it an emotional and memorable link which if it was really being released would cause people to buy it.


 I hope you can read my writing in this poor photograph. It outlines an average 14-18 year old boy, from my own personal experiences and what I have learnt from my primary research. I need to try and create an advert which applys to all of these and will interest them the most.


Sorry about the sharpness but I had to use a computer 'sketchbook program which I am not highly skilled in' (yet). But this is the basic idea of the logo, just imagine it more shiny.

I have chosen the name BEAT, because it a common word used in terms of music and also to 'BEAT' is to win and with my young target audience music is a big part of there lives and dominates alot of social places, websites and activities they do and beat is constantly related to songs and energy. Plus on the male side there is alot of competition for everything so to win is to be the 'Alpha'.

'Let's Hit the Beat' is the slogan I've decided on for a number of reasons. There's wordplay in that 'hitting' and 'beating' can be the same thing and 'hitting the beat' is a phrase which means 'let's dance' or 'let's play' which are both energetic and fun activitys which the target audience want to be involved in. Then theres the word 'Let's' which signifies that this is a group thing and can apply to the 'BandWagon' technique of making people think they can join a group of people doing it and they can join with their friends.

I've chosen the three colours, blue, silver and red for the logo. Firstly because these colours go well together and don't clash and secondly because they are all very strong bright colours appealing to the male stereotype of strong and powerful. Thirdly they are all colours mainly associated to guys aswell. I was going to use gold instead of silver but I thought that they didn't suit aswell with the colours and I also think gold that could be associated to 'jewellery' which is more of a female aspiration.

These images were drawn and taken photos of and that is why they are not fantastic quality.

This is the design on the can, with similiar colours to the logo, (though there will be black writing on silver for smaller text so it is clearer). I think this will work well, being bright and eye grabbing, plus giving more room for the slogans and interesting images than boring text that my audience are less interested in.


The advert condensed into a sentence would be

A group of Teenagers are bored and unhappy, they find a new drink called 'BEAT' and suddenly they're all together dancing and head out for the night together.

How I see the advert is some extremely still shots of the teenagers, mostly males,  in the middle of the day, alone in their houses. Their is no music except the wildtrack of thier homes. The first is banging his head against the wall, the second is falling asleep at his computer, the third is filing her nails and the fourth is rotating his feet. I feel this opening will firstly make it relatable as everyone has been in this state of boredom before and also should make it quite humourous with how sad and pathetic they look in the situation.

Next there is a drum kick, which causes a sort of shock to each of them and we see person four jolt his view offscreen. Here we see a shot of the fridge, seeming quite small and insignificant. Person 4 returns to his feet when the same noise kicks in. This time it cuts to person 1, who begins to walk over to is fridge, cautiously and all of the others in various shots do the same jolting upright whenever they hear the sound which keeps becoming more and more frequent. Until it is a steady 60 bpm. This part is to build up a tension while continuing the fun and humourous mood as they are scared of something, which seems to be the fridge. The shots will cut between each of them with each beat.

As they reach there fridge, number 2 grabs the door and pulls it open a crack. The sound stops and the camera peeks in from his first person view to see a can of beat sitting alone inside. Number three looks confused and reaches in to grab the can. This causes a sort of anti-climax and builds more confusion and tension.

Then we cut to 4 drinking the beverage and as soon he swallows an upbeat electronic song starts and he looks confused as his body starts dancing. The screen cuts into 4 sections where each of them are dancing in there kitchen. Then it cuts back to just 4 staring at the can completely still he then drinks more, spins around to see the other 3 standing in the same room. Then they all start dancing again and leave through the front door. I think this ending will, with the dancing continue the humour but also with regards to the target audience will show friends dancing together and use an 'emotional selling point' of fun and energy which will imprint into the viewer.

Overall it shows 4 teens alone and ends with them dancing together and heading out which is what teenagers desire, to be with their friends having fun.
The characters I would use would be very trendy and attractive with alot of new gadgets in their homes, which would make use of the 'snob appeal' technique mentioned in another post where viewers believe if they drink this drink they could be like them.

The camera shots and editing will start of as quite slow to begin with (not for too long as people may get bored) and slowly get faster as the music and advert progress. With the dancing the editing will be much quicker and the camera will move with there grooves.


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