About Me

Felixstowe, Suffolk, United Kingdom
This is my blog site for all my projects and work from my Media Production Course at Suffolk New College. I will be constantly updating this space with videos, music and photography for anyone to look at/ try to enjoy. Along with research and evaluations for tutors at my college. Please comment if you enjoy any particular piece.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Evaluation of my Pinhole Project

Pinhole Project Evaluation.

In this blog I will be evaluating my pinhole project as a whole, from creating the camera to the research, to producing and inverting the photographs. Before this project I had no knowledge of how a camera produced photographs, digital or hard copy. Now I know the basics and I have experimented and invented ideas of what I could do in later projects.

First of all we learnt about how a camera is put together, obviously vital knowledge when it comes to photography so I can understand which parts will effect the picture in which way. For example I know now if I change the shutter speed onto a low speed then I camera I will get a lot of information in one shot and if it's moving then the images will be blurred, for example the image below of a firework explosion, the whole trail of the sparks exploding are shown in one frame.

We also learnt about genres before we began making our cameras and how each genre has it's own definitive features. For example in Landscape photography like the photograph below you can see a horizon, they are generally very wide shots.

On the other hand Paparazzi photographs are generally Long, medium to close up shots of famous people, taken by journalists or contract photographers. Such as the ones of Amy Winehouse looking a drunken state on the front of the Sun.
I really gained a lot of experience and knowledge just by experimenting with the pinhole pictures.
By the end I understood about exposure times and how they effected the outcome of the pictures. Before this project I had used a programme similar to photoshop so using that got me refreshed and reminded me of the effects you can use. The developing liquids where something new I learnt to because honestly I had no idea about them before. I can take all this knowledge into any future photography projects.

If I was to do this project again and we had much more time I would experiment with all different shapes and sizes of containers for the Pinhole photographs. Different shapes because they would be warped in a variety of ways, sizes would effect the time needed for exposure. I would also like to do the exact same shot, multiple times and get different times of exposures so I can see it brighten up and then eventually be completely white. If put into an animation then that would be very interesting to see the picture develop from under exposed the over exposed, if I ever develop my own dark room, that will be something I will attempt. It would be proof we do not need Photoshop to warp and manipulate our images.

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