About Me

Felixstowe, Suffolk, United Kingdom
This is my blog site for all my projects and work from my Media Production Course at Suffolk New College. I will be constantly updating this space with videos, music and photography for anyone to look at/ try to enjoy. Along with research and evaluations for tutors at my college. Please comment if you enjoy any particular piece.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Radio Jingles 04/10/10

In my first week of the ED1 course, my groups rotation was Radio Production.

There was much more we were supposed to experiment with and produce however we had a running technical issue with getting onto the computers. Therefore we were only able to get in two mornings of practical work.

We did however learn many skills about using the Digital Audio Workstation programme Logic Pro. We learnt about the importance of saving at the beginning of the production, which enables all the files tracks and files you may use will be saved into the same folder. Otherwise if you try to move your work you may end up with empty tracks and gaps in the project. Also at the beginning we were asked to change a number of preset settings on the programme. Such as the 'snap' option needed to be changed from 'smart' which guessed where you wanted to click and most of the time was wrong to 'sample' which allowed you to choose perfectly.

We were able to experiment a good deal with different effects and getting used to cutting down the tracks to fit perfectly. We used the MIDI instruments to make a 4 bar 'cheesy tune'. I really enjoyed that part as I've all ways wanted to produce music but I am far too poor to afford a MAC + the necessary software.

This is an overview of the software we are using, you can see the different coloured tracks, in the bottom left is the volume control, where you can check if the audio is too loud and 'bleeding' into the red. On every single track you can put on many effects which change the sound when it is played, such as 'Echo', 'Phaser' and 'EQ' where you control the equaliser to your what frequencies you want most defined.
Had we been on the Mac's from the start then we should have produced a Show promotion, Station Indent and a News Jingle but we didn't have the time So our tutor gave us an audio recorder and we were given the task to produce a advert for a product of our imagination, a film coming out soon or Suffolk New College. On my other blog titled 'Radio Advert' you can listen to what I produced and see what you think, consider we only had 2 hours to make it however, please :)

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