About Me

Felixstowe, Suffolk, United Kingdom
This is my blog site for all my projects and work from my Media Production Course at Suffolk New College. I will be constantly updating this space with videos, music and photography for anyone to look at/ try to enjoy. Along with research and evaluations for tutors at my college. Please comment if you enjoy any particular piece.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Radio Advert 06/10/10

Radio advert outblast.mp3


Above is my Radio Advert for a Product I invented 'Outblast Speaker' (Speakers for the Outside of your car). I used this idea because then I did not have much time to go out and cast a few people to speak 25 seconds of debate about the softness of the new toilet paper or anything. So recording myself and adding music and effects underneath seemed the most efficient way of producing this in a short time.
On my piece I used three main effects that I think improved the overall quality and impact. On the first song 'Burn it to the Ground' by Nickleback I used the EQ filter to decreased the bass and treble to almost nothing with gave the effect it was being muffled. I also added the filter 'Fat EQ' onto the last song 'Magic' by B.O.B feat Rivers Cuomo to increase the Bass and make the quality sound better. I was advertising speakers so I would need to show a big difference between the first and second song so people
 think that they speakers are good quality and need to be brought. Also the song choices were relevant to, the first song is about 'Burning' subliminally suggests your speakers are not good enough they need to be burnt and the Song 'Magic' is very upbeat happy and taking about Magic and 'turning things to Gold' with gives the impression these speakers are just awesome.

The two sound effects I used were a car starting which was the introduction to the advert, immediately suggesting that the following is to do with a car, grabbing attention of Car users. The other was a rush of wind sound, I used this because it sounded like a miniature explosion, which I used to suggest that the time of these poor speakers are over. Blown Up!

I think including all of the things I have just mentioned about it, the Advert is very effective in making these new 'Outblast Speakers' very memorable and appealing. It uses a big change in Dynamics and Sound Quality to show a massive difference between the 'Before and After' and I used the sound effects to immediately engage drivers and to suggest the old speakers are gone. My dialogue over the top was also supposed to gain interest and think it did quite successfully, asking questions directly to audience firstly to grab there attention and then using the 'power of three' and rhyming near to end to tell them the products we offer. 'Subs, Tweeters and Six by Nine Speakers'.

Overall I think this is a successful radio advert, though with more time I should have given an URL for the website or location of a store. Plus, was I to pay for this to be advertised I would need to choose a specific one, ensuring drivers 17-25 listen to it regularly because they are most likely to be interested in such a loud and music related imaginary product.

From this short project I will take a good deal of new skills I have learnt using the Digital Audio Workstations and they will assist me greatly when I reach my six week Radio project where we will produce a radio programme.

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